Online spaced repetition flashcards with 1000 Arabic words


Ankipedia is a platform that helps people learn Dutch from Arabic.

Over the past year we’ve built the perfect learning environment that takes everything great about Anki spaced repetition and adds questions , easy to read books and easy to watch eductional videos.

The infrastructure we built was made for people learning Dutch, but technically it works for other languages too.

Because our Arabic deck page is very popular we’d now like to make you to following offer. For 49.95 we’ll give you 12 months access to our platform and make sure we add new decks there every month.  So technically not a Deck, but all the advantages of spaced repetiton with a quality word lists, audio and images.

A deck is usually a one time thing. We build one and if we add new words they will only be available for new downloaders.

With this system: when we add new words, everyone get’s them.  It’s like Spotify versus buying a CD 🙂

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